International Participants

Participants from Tanzania

Until 15th May 2018

General participants                     

US $ 400

TZS 700,000


US $ 300

TZS 400,000

After 15th May 2018

General participants                      

US $ 450

TZS 800,000


US $ 350

TZS 500,000


For this registration fee, registered participants will get:

  • Printed Name Card
  • Conference Folder or Bag
  • Participation in the technical program
  • Printed Participation andPresentation Certificate
  • Printed conference program
  • Five coffee breaks during the conference
  • Two lunches on the presentation day
  • A copy of the conference book and possible two issues of the first volume of the International Journal of Public Procurement

Paper Preparation Guidelines. The general format of the manuscript should be as follows....

The deadline for Abstract/Paper Proposal Submissions (IPPC9) is 20th December 2023