Initiated in 2004, the first IPPC (in Florida) had 125 participants from 24 countries and a few international organizations. Its benefits have made it one of the most attended international conferences after its inception (with almost 300 participants from almost 50 countries at each conference). In addition to the growing number of participants, there has been a growing number of co-sponsors, including the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, Inc. (USA), Consip (Italy), PPS (South Korea), US General Services Administration, and the Office of Government Commerce (UK).

One of the most appealing features of IPPC is that selected best papers (via a rigorous blind-review process) are published in the Journal of Public Procurement and a book that are ready for distribution at the conference. This feature provides an additional incentive for higher quality papers.


Paper Preparation Guidelines. The general format of the manuscript should be as follows....

The deadline for Abstract/Paper Proposal Submissions (IPPC9) is 20th December 2023