IPPC9 (Rescheduled)  September 28-30, 2023  Santiago, Chile

COVID-19 has been under control since early 2022. In early November 2022, we decided to set the new conference dates. The conference host, the National University of General San Martín, Argentina, could not afford to host IPPC9 due to the national economic recession.

IPPC9 (Cancelled)
August 13-15, 2020
Buenos Aires, Argentina

The 9th International Public Procurement Conference was scheduled on August 13-15, 2020
Buenos Aires, Argentina. But COVID-19 became deadly, and the conference dates were postponed a few times.

August 8-10, 2018
Arusha, Tanzania

Hosted by the Institute of Accountancy Arusha. There were 103 paper proposals; 71 submitted papers, and 56 paper presentations, and 27 parallel sessions covering a variety of themes, from e-procurement, sustainable procurement, to public procurement professionalization and professionalism. There 312 participants from 46 countries.

The conference is sponsored by Tanzania’s national agencies including the Public Procurement Policy Division, the Public Procurement Appeals Authority, the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority, the Procurement and Supplies Professionals and Technicians Board, and the Government Procurement Services Agency.

IPPC7 in Bali, Indonesia
August 4-6, 2016

Hosted by the National Public Procurement Agency, Indonesia.  There were 228 regitered participants from 48 countries. There were 156 paper proposals, 103 accepted papers, and 34 parallel sessions covering a variety of themes, from e-procurement, sustainable procurement, to public procurement professionalization and professionalism. The conference was co-sponsored by the Indonesian National Public Procurement Agency and the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing.

IPPC6 in Dublin, Ireland
August 14-16, 2014

Hosted by Professor Paul Davis of Dublin City University, co-sponsored by the Dublin City University Business School and the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing. There were 214 registered participants from 49 countries. There were 195 paper proposals, 127 accepted papers, and 63 parallel sessions covering a variety of themes, from e-procurement, sustainable procurement, to public procurement professionalization and professionalism.

IPPC5 in Seattle, Washington, USA
August 17-19, 2012

Hosted by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing and Florida Atlantic University, and co-sponsored by Consip S.p.A. (Italian Public Procurement Agency), The Naval Postgraduate School’s Acquisition Research Program and the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing. There were over 250 registered participants from 48 countries. There were 215 paper proposals, 147 accepted papers, and 52 parallel sessions covering a variety of themes, from e-procurement, sustainable procurement, to public procurement professionalization and professionalism.

IPPC4 in Seoul, South Korea
August 26-28, 2010

Hosted by the Korean Public Procurement Service, and sponsored by the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing. There were 425 registered participants from 59 countries. There were 245 paper proposals, 165 accepted papers, and 45 parallel sessions covering a variety of themes, from e-procurement, sustainable procurement, to public procurement professionalization and professionalism. The 4th IPPC broke all past records, in terms of number of conference registrants, number of submitted papers and particularly how marvelously the conference was organized. The conference was also co-sponsored by NIGP.

IPPC3 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
August 28-30, 2008

Hosted by Professor Jan Telgen of the University of Twente, and sponsored by NEVI (a professional association in the Netherlands) and PIANOo (a central public procurement agency of The Netherlands), the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing. There were 275 participants from 43 countries and major international organizations such as the World Bank, the UNDP, and OECD.

IPPC2 in Rome, Italy
September 21-23, 2006

Hosted by Professor Gustavo Piga of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, sponsored by Consip S.p.A. (Italian Public Procurement Agency), and the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing. There were 295 participants from 45 countries. There were 124 submitted paper proposals, 68 accepted papers, and 34 parallel sessions cover a variety of themes, from e-procurement, sustainable procurement, to public procurement professionalization and professionalism.

IPPC1 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
October 21-23, 2004

Initiated by Dr. Guy Callender (Foundation Chair of Strategic Procurement at Curtin University of Technology, Australia), David Drabkin (Deputy Associate Administrator for Acquisition Policy and Senior Procurement Executive, US General Services Administration, USA), Rick Grimm (Chief Executive Officer, National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, Inc, USA), Dr. Christine Harland (Professor, University of Bath, UK), Dr. Jan Telgen (Professor, University of Twente, Netherlands), and Dr. Khi V. Thai (Professor, Florida Atlantic University, USA). Hosted by Professor Thai, and. sponsored by the Florida Atlantic University Public Procurement Research Center, the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP), US General Services Administration, Curtin University of Technology (Australia), the World Bank, and the United Nations Development Programme/Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office.  There were 125 participants from 24 countries. There were 75 paper propsals, 44 submitted papers, and 22 parallel sessions covering a variety of themes, from e-procurement, sustainable procurement, to current status of public procurement research and professionalism.

Paper Preparation Guidelines. The general format of the manuscript should be as follows....

The deadline for Abstract/Paper Proposal Submissions (IPPC9) is 20th December 2023