Preface: About the 4th International Public Procurement Conference

Part I: Comparative Procurement

1-1. Developments and Reforms in Public Procurement System in Kosovo: The First Decade
Ilaz Duli

1-2. Value for Money: The Limping Pillar in Public Procurement: Experience from Tanzania
Reginald G. Mamiro

1-3. Tackling Supply Chain Bottlenecks of Essential Drugs: A Case of Uganda Local Government Health Unitsimages
Pross Nagitta Oluka, Francis Ssennoga, and Stephen Kambaza

1-4. Public Procurement in Brazil Federal Government: A Perspective from the Agents Responsible for its Regulation and Operation
Alexandre Ribeiro Motta

1-5. Public Procurement in the Caribbean: Confronting the Challenges and Opportunities
Sandra Schrouder

1-6. Critical Signs of Public Procurement in a Transitional Country
Tunde Tatrai

1-7. Public Procurement Law in Bangladesh: from Bureaucratisation to Accountability 
Ridwanul Hoque

1-8. The First Information and Support Center of the Economic Operators for Participating in Public Procurement Procedures in Romania 
Ioan Cioba

1-9. The Public Procurement System in Russia: Road toward a New Quality 
Andrei Yakovlev, Lev Yakobson, and Maria Yudkevich

1-10. Determinants of Public Procurement Corruption in Uganda: A Conceptual Framework 
Benon C. Basheka, and Milton Tumutegyereize

1-11. Public Procurement and Corruption in Bangladesh 
Shakeel Ahmed Ibne Mahmood

1-12. Overview of Public Procurement in Ministry of Interior of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan: Personal Account of Institutional Transition on a Conflict Country
Alex Rok

1-13. The Public Procurement System in Bulgaria 
Roumen Trifonov and Marieta Popova

1-14. Reforming Public Procurement in The Philippines: Progress and Constraints 
David Seth Jones

1-15. International Joint Public Procurement: A New Initiative Hosted by The Luxembourg Central Bank 
Stephen Kaiser

1-16. Bid Protests as a Measure of Integrity in Public Procurement: A Descriptive Study of Municipalities in Uganda 
Peter Obanda Wanyama

1-18. Arbitration as a Dispute-Solving Mechanism in Public Procurement: A Comparative View between Peruvian and Spanish Systems 
Alexandra Molina Dimitrijevich

Part 2. Construction Procurement

2-1. Structuring Ideal Project Delivery System 
Seongkyun Cho, Glenn Ballard, Rahman Azari, and Yong Woo Kim

2-2. Alternative Contracting Strategies for Rebuilding Urban Infrastructure: Are They Really Effective? 
Kunhee Choi, Charles W. Ibbs, and Jae-Ho Pyeon

2-3. The Keynotes of the Direct Contracting System on the Public Housing Project 
Jinho Shin, Hyunsoo Lee, and Moonseo Park

2-4. Market Competition through Past Performance Criteria: An Amsterdam Case 
W.B. Ten Haaf

2-5. Whole Life Cost Bid Evaluation for Design-Build in Korea 
Sung Ho Park

2-6. Choice of Construction Procurement Mode of Cote D’ivoire 
Klonanourou Alphonse Coulibaly

2-7. Case Study on the Economic Crisis Management through Public Construction Works, Employed by the Korean Government 
Chull Lee

Part 3. Defense Procurement

3-1. Perception as a Characteristic of Decision Making in a Defense Contractor’s Proposal Process 
David Nixon

3-2. Korean Defense Procurement from Foreign Countries and International Cooperation Plan 
Seok Kim

3-3. Defence Supply Chain Management: Conceptual Framework and First Empirical Findings 
Michael Essig, Sandra Tandler and Michael Scheckenhofer

3-4. Emerging Professionalism in a Defence Acquisition Workforce 
David Moore and Kevin Burgess

3-5. Professionalization of the U.S. Defense Acquisition Workforce: Progress, Problems, and Future Directions 
Rene G. Rendon

3-6. In Search of Efficient and Effective Defence Procurement: An Australian Case Study 
Stefan Markowski and Robert Wylie

Part 4. Economics of Procurement

4-1. Framework Agreements and Repeated Purchases: The Basic Economics and a Case Study on the Acquisition of IT Services 
Gian Luigi Albano, Antonio Ballarin and Marco Sparro

4-2. Factors Contributing to Different Forms of Maverick Buying: An Empirical Test in the Government of Finland 
Katri Karjalainen and Erik M. Van Raaij

4-3. (Un)Bundling Infrastructure Procurement: Evidence from Water Supply and Sewage Projects 
Antonio Estache and Atsushi Iimi

4-4. Combinatorial Auctions in Public Procurement: Experiences from Sweden 
Anders Lunander and Sofia Lundberg

4-5. Contract Clause Dynamic Bargaining and Procurement Design 
Alessandro Avenali, Giorgio Matteucci and Fabio Nonino

4-6. Free-Riding in Procurement Design 
Klenio Barbosa

4-7. A Tentative Model of a Demand System for Public Procurement of Innovation 
Max Rolfstam

4-8. A Model to Predict Bid Distribution in Public Tenders 
Nicola Costantino, Marco Falagario, Roberto Pietroforte, and Fabio Sciancalepore

4-9. Job Creation On The Public Market 
Juan Francisco Martinez and David Escobar

4-10. Accountability and Transparency in Public Procurement: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Goals Versus Local Government Standards 
Steven G Chapman II and Keith Glatz

Part 5. e-Procurement

5-1. Public E-Procurement: Define, Measure and Optimize Organizational Benefits 
Francesco Gardenal

5-2. Electronic Public Procurement of Construction and Public Works: Towards a New Reality 
Antonio Grilo and Ricardo Jardimgoncalves

5-3. Policy Choices in the Implementation of Electronic Procurement: The Approach of The Uncitral Model Law on Procurement to Electronic Communications 
Caroline Nicholas

5-4. Implementation of e-Procurement System in Brazil 
Carlos Henrique De Azevedo Moreira

5-5. Policy Measures for Low-Carbon Green Growth 
Ja-Hyun Koo and Joong-Sik Lim

5-6. E-Tendering In Austria 
Paul Humann

5-7. E-Procurement Entry Strategy: The Indonesia Case 
Invanos Tertiana

5-8. E-Procurement in Brazil's State Governments 
Juarez Paulo Tridapalli, Waltair V. Machado and Elton Fernandes

Part 6. Government Asset Management

6-1. A Study on the Performance Improvement in Personal Property Management through the Application of RFID Technology 
Tae-Ryeon Kim

6-2. A Case Study on the Procurement Process Development in The Public Enterprise Through ERP Adoption 
Jeongwook Khang and Yungmok Yu

6-3. State-Owned Asset Management Reform in China 
Yaotai Lu and Hongli Wang

Part 7. Green Procurement

7-1. Assessment of Green Procurement as a Policy Tool: Cost-Efficiency and Competition Considerations 
Runar Brännlund, Sofia Lundberg and Per-Olov Marklund

7-2. Benefits and Obstacles of Environmental, Social and Sustainable Procurement 
Abdullah Korkmaz

7-3. The Urgent Need to Develop Sustainable Policy Tools For Medical Devices Public Procurement in Benin 
Pamphile Thierry Houngbo, Pamela Wright, Joske Bunders, Gert Jan Van Der Wilt, Daton Medenou, Laurent Dakpanon and Joost Ruitenberg

7-4. Bid Protests as a Measure of Integrity in Public Procurement in Uganda 
Peter Obanda Wanyama

7-5. Sustainable Public Procurement: A New Policy Paradigm in France? 
Ronan Le Velly

7-6. China Green Public Procurement Program: Issues and Challenges in its Implementation 
Yuhua Qiao and Conghu Wang

7-7. Towards Sustainable Public Procurement In China: Policy And Regulatory Framework, Current Developments And The Case For A Consolidated Green Public Procurement Code 
Cao Fuguo, Yan Yuying and Zhou Fen

7-8. Portland Oregon’s Waste Transport Contract: A Case Study in Utilizing Progressive Procurement Methodology to Achieve Sustainability Goals 
Darin Matthews

7-9. Sustainability as an Innovation in Public Procurement: The Case of Sustainable Construction in Greece 
Odysseus Manoliadis and Ioannis Tsolas

7-10. Sustainable Public Procurement 
A.B. Adjei

7-11. Public Procurement for Sustainable Development 
Veluppillai Mohan

Part 8. Health/Professional Service Procurement

8-1. Strategic Set Up and Tactical Management of Long-Term IT Contracts 
R.H.W. Jagt

8-2. In-House Provision, Procurement and Quality: Evidence from Elderly Care Services 
Mats A. Bergman, Sofia Lundberg and Giancarlo Spagnolo

8-3. Centralization and Networking in Italian NHS: European Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation 
Marco Meneguzzo, Marco Frey, Emanuela Delbufalo, Gloria Fiorani and Carmen Calabrese

8-4. Public Procurement in Cultural Heritage Conservation: An Exploratory Study for Italy 
Calogero Guccio and Ilde Rizzo

Part 9. International Trade and Procurement

9-1. The Competitive Dialogue in Portugal and Spain 
Pedro Telles

9-2. International Joint Public Procurement: The Case of the European Union Institutions, Agencies and Other Bodies 
Francisco García Morán

9-3. The Implementation of Free Trade Agreements: Caricom and CAFTA Procurement Practices in Belize and Guatemala 
Edward J Pabor

9-4. What Impact Has the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement Had on Public Procurement 
Richard Doyle

9-5. Is China Ready to Join the Government Procurement Agreement of the World Trade Organization? 
Stéphane Coudé, Prosper Bernard Jr. and Lisa Lu

9-6. A Study on the Government Procurement Provisions of Korean Free Trade Agreements: Centering on the Case of Korea-US FTA 
Dae-Sik Kim

9-7. Implementing National Measures on Public Procurement under the EC Directives: The Portuguese Experience 
João Amaral E. Almeida and Paula Bordalo Faustino

Part 10. Legal Issues in Public Procurement

10-1. Comparative Defense Procurement in Law and Development Context 
Dae-In Kim

10-2. Public Procurement: Catch 22 
Wouter Stolwijk

10-3. Compliance and Service Delivery: Case Study of Local Government Procurement Units in Uganda 
Tadeo Mbabazi, Karuhanga Bernadette and Mukokoma Maurice

10-4. Implementing Reasonable Rule for Imposing Criminal Penalty on Joint Bidders in Public Bid: Critical Comment on South Korea’s Case 
Sanghyun Lee

10-6. Organisation vs. Market in Purchasing Arrangements among Public Entities: The European Perspective 
Roberto Cavallo Perin and Dario Casalini

10-7. Legislative and Administrative Directives Governing Procurement Procedures: A Case Study for South Africa 
Kishore Raga and John Derek Taylor

Part 11. Practical Issues in Public Procurement Decisions and Procedures

11-1. The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions 
John J.D. Read

11-2. Fight Those Last Minute Decisions! 
John Konijn

11-3. Auction Versus Negotiation In Public Procurement: Looking For Empirical Evidence 
Eshien Chong, Carine Staropoli and Anne Yvrande-Billon

11-4. Transferability of Research On Contract Types And Problems 
Bill Davison and Richard J. Sebastian

11-5. Specification, Evaluation and Verification Realising Public Procurement for Innovation 
Sven-Eric Hargeskog

Part 12. Procurement Performance

12-1. Developing a Public Procurement Performance Measurement System in Uganda: A Baseline Survey 
Cornelia K. Sabiiti, Edwin Muhumuza and Benon C. Basheka

12-2. Achieving Continuous Improvement through Self-Assessment 
Jason Waterman and Louise Knight

12-3. Conceptual Framework for Performance Measurement in Public Procurement 
Michael Essig, Markus Amann and Raphael Boerner

Part 13. Procurement Preferences

13-1. The Role of Small Business in Economic Development of the United States 
Major L. Clark, III and Radwan N. Saade

13-2. Integrating Socio-Economic Policies into the Public Procurement Framework: An Analysis of the Public Procurement Option Model 
Francis Ssennoga and Jan Telgen

13-3. The Brazilian Experience of Using Public Procurement Policies to Promote the Development of Micro and Small Enterprises 
Pezzutti Ribeiro Teixeira Daniel

13-4. A Study of the Role of Public Procurement: Can Public Procurement Make Society Better? 
Jeong-Wook Choi

13-5. SMEs and Black Economic Empowerment in the Construction Industry: The Case of Gauteng Provincial Housing Department 
Stephen O. Migiro

13-6. Preferential Procurement: A Case Study of South Africa 
John Derek Taylor and Kishore Raga

Part 14. Procurement Profession

14-1. Public Procurement Skills Requirement Framework for Local Government Systems in Uganda: Perceptions from Pofessionals 
Benon C. Basheka

14-2. Procurement Processes and Performance: Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Procurement Function 
Patrick Kakwezi and Sonny Nyeko

14-3. Identifying Professional Certification Programs: A Job Analysis Study 
Ann Peshoff

14-4. Professionalising Communal Procurement: The Experience in the Dutch Public Sector 
Marcel Stuijts, Ditmar Waterman and Jos Schreijen

14-5. Trends in Public Procurement Certification in North America 
Norma J. Hall

14-6. Crossing Boundaries in Public Procurement 
Kees Tazelaar

Part 15. Public Private Partnership

15-1. Private Provision of Public Services in Developing Countries? The Case of Uganda’s Local Governments 
Charles Ndandiko

15-2. Public Private Partnership (PPP) on the Move or Going South? Empirical Indications for Successful PPP Decisions from German Municipalities 
H.C. Ulli and Vanessa Kehl

15-3. Partnership Concepts in Danish Public Procurement: Different Concepts for Different Customers 
Morten Munkgaard Møller, Kent Petersen, Jens Hedegaard, Allan Vendelbo and Søren Jakobsen

15-4. Machiavellian PPP? Evidence from Italian Local Government’s Projects for Public Services 
Federico Antellini Russo and Roberto Zampino

15-5. Long-Term Infrastructure Partnerships: Contracting Risks and Recommendations 
Pamela Bloomfield and F. Daniel Ahern, Jr.

Part 16. Public Procurement as an Economic Policy Tool

16-1. Procurement as a Tool for Economic Stimulus: The United States’s Experence, 2008-2010 
Joshua I. Schwartz

16-2. International Competitiveness: Government Policy and the Development of Competitive Industries 
Barry Anthony Ishmael

Part 17. Supply Chain Management

17-1. Supply Management Policy in Korea: Comparison / Review between Public and Private Organizations 
Sung-Kook Ryou

17-2. Going for Gold: The Practical Realities of Opening up the 2012 Olympic Supply Chain to SME Competition 
Scott A. Smith and Chris Bell

17-3. Metaphor, Mental Models and Paradigms in Supply Chain Management: The Implications of Applying a Complex Systems View to Understandings of the Characteristics of Supply Chains 
Bill Aukett

17-4. Risks Management in Public Procurement for Innovation: The Case of Nordic-Baltic Sea Cities 
Tarmo Kalvet and Veiko Lember

Part 18. Transparency & Accountability in Procurement

18-1. Development Model for Public Procurement – In a Danish Context 
Morten Munkgaard Møller, Jens Hedegaard, Kent Petersen, Allan Vendelbo and Søren Jakobsen

18-2. Procurement Reform at the United Nations: Launching a Pilot Programme to Promote Fairness, Transparency and Efficiency 
Jacqueline Schroeder

18-3. Imperfect Formal Contract Enforcement: The Case of Russian Public Procurement 
Svetlana Pivovarova

18-4. Lesson Learned from Irregularities Committed in Public Procurement 
Syed Zafar Shahid Tabish and K.N. Jha

18-5. On the Determinants of Collusion in Public Procurement: The Case of Chile 
Juan Francisco Martinez, S. David Escobar and Claudio Loyola

18-6. The Procurement Ombudsman: An Effective National Procurement Mechanism? 
Martine J. Gruppen

18-7. Reform in Defense Sector Procurement and the Role of Civil Society: An Experience of Korean Civil Society for Defense Sector Procurement Monitoring 
Sung-Goo Kang

18-8. Pr06-5-3 Whistleblowers Legislation Model for Nigeria 
Ibrahim Sule

18-9. The Effects of Full Transparency in Supplier Selection on Subjectivity and Bid Quality 
Jan Telgen and Fredo Schotanus

18-10. Concentrative Organization as a Model for Anticorruption: The Case of Chinese Public Procurement 
Conghu Wang and Xiaoming Li

18-11. Enhancing Transparency within Public Sector Procurement: The South African Experience 
Peter Volmink

18-12. Accountability and Transparency: Preventing Corruption in Public Procurement; Oral Debriefing Concept 
Muhimbise Andrew

18-13. Professional Buying Organisations, Sustainability and Competition in Public Procurement 
Gabriella M. Racca

Part 19. Miscellaneous Issues

19-1. The Use of Information Technology in Health Organizations Procurement
Alessandro Ancarani, Carmela Di Mauro, Maria Daniela Giammanco, and Francesco Mascali

19-2. Critical Success Factors in Government Contract Management
Rene G. Rendon

19-3. The Effects of Korean Government's Defense Industry Fostering Policy on the Performance of
Defense Industry Enterprises

Chicue Rim and Hoonyoung Lee

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News Release

The 9th International Public Procurement Conference

Thursday – Saturday, October 3-5, 2024
Umm Al Quwain University, United Arab Emirates

Public procurement is both a science and an art, and requires knowledge and analytical skills, and keen judgment. As such both academics and practitioners have a desire to share their research and practice in and open and transparent environment. The 9th International Public Procurement Conference (IPPC9) will take place at the Umm Al Quwain University, United Arab Emirates, October 3-5, 2024. For detailed IPPC9 information, including submissions deadlines for paper proposals and full papers, best paper awards, registration fees and hotels


Call for Paper Proposal

We would like to invite your submission of paper proposals for the 9th International Public Procurement Conference to be held in at the Umm Al Quwain University, United Arab Emirates, October 3-5, 2024.

October 3-5, 2024, Umm Al Quwain University, United Arab Emirates

Deadline for paper proposal submissions

20th December 2023

Notification of acceptance of paper proposals

31st December 2023

Closing date for full paper submissions

30th June 2024

Notification of acceptance of full papers

31st July 2024

Please visit for information about research topics, paper reviews, publication venues, and best paper awards

Paper Preparation Guidelines. The general format of the manuscript should be as follows....

The deadline for Abstract/Paper Proposal Submissions (IPPC9) is 20th December 2023